30 July 2007

Senator quoted in French National Radio Program

During the Senatorial election that just ended Sunday, Senator Inuzuka was interviewed over the phone by a French RFI (Radio France Internationale) correspondant in Paris for a very brief moment. The interview was aired on radio on the Thursday 26th. The following is the original article and its full English translation.


Tadashi Inuzuka

Sénateur du Minshuto, le Parti démocrate japonais

«Il n'y a que 65 millions d'actifs au Japon et le gouvernement a perdu 50 millions de dossiers. Donc, on en a perdu la trace de plus de 80% ! Le chiffre est immense, et pour certains dossiers il faut remonter 40 ans en arrière !»

Défaite annoncée de Shinzo Abe aux sénatoriales japonaises. Les élections se déroulent dimanche et le parti du Premier ministre, le PLD, est en chute libre dans les sondages. Plusieurs scandales, dont la disparition de 50 millions de dossiers de retraites, ont récemment terni son image. Or, la majorité dirigée par Shinzo Abe ne dispose au Sénat que d'une courte majorité de 10 sièges. L'opposition se frotte donc les mains !

par Nathalie Tourret



Tadashi Inuzuka

Senator of Minshuto, The Japanese Democratic Party

26 July 2007, RFI
Nathalie Tourret

“There are only 65 million pension beneficiaries in Japan and the government lost 50 million of those files। So they lost trace of more than 80%! The figure is immense, and for certain files it takes up to 40 years back to trace them!”

So the sign of “defeat” is everywhere around Shinzo Abe in the upcoming senatorial elections. The voting will take place on Sunday while Prime Minister’s party, the LDP, suffers almost nonstop decline in its popularity polls. Several scandals, including the disappearance of 50 million pension files, have recently tarnished its image.

However, the LDP majority led by Shinzo Abe is short of only 10 seats to achieve absolute majority। The opposition thus waits eagerly!

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